
From clinician nurses and advanced practitioners to pharmacists and sessional GPs, we have a range of clinical roles available at the North East Ambulance Service.

As one of the largest ambulance services in the UK, we integrate professional skills within the heart of our operations, to help meet patient demand and deliver the right care to our communities.

Our Integrated Urgent Care Clinical Assessment Service (IUCAS) includes paramedics, nurses, advanced practitioners, pharmacists, GPs and clinical specialists who provide enhanced clinical support to call handlers and patients ringing 111 and 999.

Senior clinical advisors (clinicians) provide additional clinical assessment via telephone triage, improving the journey and experience for our patients by ensuring they can pass through to services quickly and efficiently.

The team promotes self-care, provides advice and support for patients at home, facilitating onward referral where necessary to a range of primary and secondary care services.

Where input is required from other clinicians, such as dental specialists, mental health specialists or pharmacists, an onward referral is made to a separate service.

By being able to increase the number of patients who are treated and discharged in the community, our IUCAS helps to reduce pressures on emergency departments and other NHS services.

You can hear from some of our senior clinical advisors below.

Are you a clinician interested in relocating to the North East? Find out more about moving to our region.  Note: Financial relocation support may be available.

Applying for a clinician role? Read our advice for candidates.

Sarah Forrest

Sarah explains how she uses her district nursing background to support 111 and 999 callers within the Emergency Operations Centre.


Sue Lawson

Sue explains what the role entails and how she and her colleagues support patients across our region through the senior clinical advisor role.


Sarah Archer

Sarah explains why she relocated back to the North East and how she supports patients and her colleagues at North East Ambulance Service.